Bullying and Friendship Unit

Wrinkled Heart

I had this quote right by the door so the students would see it every morning when they came into class.

This unit is designed for the grade 1 health curriculum. The unit is interactive and very hands on. Students learn the importance of standing up for each other and creating friendships by filling hearts rather than wrinkling hearts. I used this in a grade 1 classroom of 30 students. The message of this unit resonated with the students and I found it very successful!

Bullying and Friendship

Here are some additional worksheets that go with this unit

Do Unto Otters Activity

Friendship soup

Class Heart

This was our class heart. We had it hung up and every time a student did something to hurt their classmate we would rip a piece of the heart off. Our class goal was to be nice to one another and to keep the whole heart!